It’s hard to understate the importance of a business card.
On its surface, it may not seem like a lot. After all, there are parts of your overall marketing system that are arguably “bigger”, like street signs, banners at trade shows, blogs, websites, and the like.
But nothing replaces the personal, hand-to-hand approach that a well-tooled business card can deliver. We wrote previously on a few great tips for making business cards pop. Here are three more tips you can use you improve your business cards and make them stand out even more.
Pick the Right Info to Display
There is a lot of info you can put on a business card. There are two tendencies here: to put too much or to put too little.
Try to find the right balance. Some suggestions for info to put on your card includes:
• Name
• Title
• Company with logo
• Company website
• Company landing page (for a product or service you want to promote specifically)
• Social media handles
• Email address
• Cell phone and office phone
• LinkedIn profile URL
Note that you have two sides to work with, so if there is an important piece of info you want to communicate, don’t think you have to cram it all on one side.
Consider Embossing Your Card
One tip you can consider is to emboss your card.
Embossing puts a nice, professional, sophisticated touch on your card. You can create a 3D effect with raised font or a raised logo, and also give your card a sense of tactile touch – which makes your card more memorable.

Pick the Right Colors
Finally, the colors you choose matter.
Common wisdom is to go with colors that match your company’s brand colors. That is always a good choice, but in case you want to build a separate brand or want to create a memorable card, you can use other color combinations.
It’s always good to stick with the proven combinations that work. These include primary pairs and a few others, like:
• Blue/orange
• Red/green
• Yellow/purple
• Black/white
• Red/yellow
Try to avoid clashing colors, like orange/purple. Too many colors can overwhelm – stick to two or three at the most. White works well with anything. Sometimes, a pop of color can do more than a full-sized, full-color logo.
If you need help designing your business cards to give your brand a powerful punch, contact us today and let us help you get started.